Combining multiple wireless internet connection

Wanted to find out if it’s possible to combine internet connection so I tried this connectify dispatch application.
You can google it and try if it works on your system.

This is the number of connections that I saw on the connection tab .

Wireless connection tab
Wireless connection tab

I don’t find this successful because it did not maximize the speed of my internet connection.
Maybe the setup is not configured correctly that’s why I did not meet the desired result. But you can see the result of combined wireless connections on the image below. By the way I am using the old connectify dispatch app. The latest app is the speedify which is not free and will cost you a montlhy subscription.

Combining wireless conections
Combining wireless conections

How to Open port 80 on PLDT mydsl and host your own website

Get your IP address first.

1.) run cmd > type “ipconfig”

2.) copy “IPV4 Address” e.g

Forward your port.

1.) open on your browser.

2.) login.

username: adminpldt



network>NAT > Port forwarding

add your IPV4 address to the server address.

and now you got your port 80 open 🙂

since you got your port 80 open you just install WAMP server

and start your port 80 🙂



How to activate windows8 PRO ( KMS activator)

1.) Open notepad

@echo off
color fc
title Windows 8 PRO KMS Activation - -
echo Windows 8 PRO KMS Activation - by Camila.
echo *Please remove any other activator, connect to the internet and synchronize the time with the Windows Time service before applying this program
echo ================================
@echo Starting Activation...
@slmgr.vbs -ipk NG4HW-VH26C-733KW-K6F98-J8CK4
@slmgr -skms
@slmgr.vbs -ato
@echo Activation COMPLETED

2.) save it as activate.bat
3.) run activate.bat as administrator