Postman – Build API’s faster

Supercharge your API workflow with Postman! Build, test, and document your APIs faster. More than a million developers already do.…
Supercharge your API workflow with Postman!

Build, test, and document your APIs faster. More than a million developers already do.

The idea for Postman arose while the founders were working together, and were frustrated with the existing tools for testing APIs. They felt there had to be a better language for developers to communicate about APIs. This led to the creation of Postman. Postman helps you build, test, and document APIs faster.

Postman features include:

– History of sent requests
– Create requests quickly
– Replay and organize
– Switch context quickly
– Built-in authentication helpers
– Customize with scripts
– Robust testing framework
– Automate collections

All this is available in an intuitive user interface that would make testing APIs effortless.

Note on Permissions

The “Your data on all websites” permission is required to send a request to a domain. It’s not used for anything else. It’s not a new permission and Postman has required it since it was launched.


How to install Rockmongo on Ubuntu 16

Rockmongo: RockMongo is a MongoDB administration tool, written in PHP 5.

Step 1: Install Apache

Apache is a free open source software which runs over 50% of the world’s web servers.

To install apache, open terminal and type in these commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2

That’s it. To check if Apache is installed, direct your browser to your server’s IP address (eg. The page should display the words “It works!”

How to Find your Server’s IP address

You can run the following command to reveal your server’s IP address.
ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk '{ print $2 }'


Step 2: Install MySQL


To install MySQL, open terminal and type in these commands:

sudo apt-get install mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql

During the installation, MySQL will ask you to set a root password.

Step 3: Install PHP

PHP is an open source web scripting language that is widely use to build dynamic webpages.

To install PHP, open terminal and type in this command.
sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mcrypt


Step 3: Install Rockmongo

RockMongo is a MongoDB administration GUI tool, written in PHP 5.
You can read more at here.

So, first you need to install php-mongo on Ubuntu
Install PHP Pear package;

sudo apt-get install php-pear


Then, install PHP-Mongo driver that connects PHP and MongoDB;

sudo apt-get install php5-dev
sudo apt-get install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev
sudo pecl install mongo 



Then, configure PHP-Mongo driver in Apache2

nano etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

add line below;


Restart Apache2 server

sudo service apache2 restart

Then, download Rockmongo from web

Extract to /var/www/ folder

check the installation