Odesk Unresponsive ticket handler for suspended accounts

Recently my odesk account was suspended due to negative feedback of a customer that did not pay me and gave me bad feedback.

I completed the job but odesk suspended my account. After this issue has been resolved I started another contract and got feedback on my new client.. Now, odesk suspended my account again due to my last client who gave negative feedback.. Odesk says, after I finish my job they will re activate my account. So, I finished my job and got my clients feedback.. the new client gave me good feedback.. Then I updated the ticket but the problem is the ticket handler got UNRESPONSIVE.. so how do they re activate my account if they are unresponsive?? I tried contacting help support but they all  replied “Wait for 24-48 hours” so I waited for weeks and updated the ticket everyday but still got no response … I cant work or apply job due to this..  Imagine how many weeks but still odesk is unresponsive..here’s the screenshot.. So I plan to quit on odesk  I dont want to wait for more months and months..


My problem is not about the suspension.. My problem is because of odesk very unresponsive team handling account suspensions..

My account should be activated by now since I have successfully completed my job and my client gave me good feedback.
But it’s not the problem.. The problem is th

How to Open port 80 on PLDT mydsl and host your own website

Get your IP address first.

1.) run cmd > type “ipconfig”

2.) copy “IPV4 Address” e.g

Forward your port.

1.) open on your browser.

2.) login.

username: adminpldt



network>NAT > Port forwarding

add your IPV4 address to the server address.

and now you got your port 80 open 🙂

since you got your port 80 open you just install WAMP server

and start your port 80 🙂



OOP class pagination PHP

* Developer: Rex Adrivan
* Description: OOP pagination class

class Pagination{
function Paginate($values,$per_page){
$total_values = count($values);

$current_page = $_GET['page'];
$current_page = 1;
$counts = ceil($total_values / $per_page);
$param1 = ($current_page - 1) * $per_page;
$this->data = array_slice($values,$param1,$per_page);

for($x=1; $x<= $counts; $x++){
$numbers[] = $x;
return $numbers;
function fetchResult(){ 
$resultsValues = $this->data;
return $resultsValues;

// Sample Usage

$pag = new Pagination();
$data = array("Hello","Rex","Prosper","Adrivan","Hehe");
$numbers = $pag->Paginate($data,2);
$result = $pag->fetchResult();
foreach($result as $r){
echo '<div>'.$r.'</div>';


foreach($numbers as $num){ 
echo '<a href="classpagination.php?page='.$num.'">'.$num.'</a>';
